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Health Plan Enrollment

Questions on Health Plan Enrollment

Why do I need health insurance?
At CHI, we believe having health insurance is one step toward a healthier, happier life. Health insurance is a service you pay for – there to help you maintain good health through preventive care and there for the unpredictable times of life when your health, or the health of a loved one, takes a turn for the worse.

What if I can’t afford healthcare insurance?
Thankfully, health insurance is available to millions more people now because of the Affordable Care Act. In fact, most new enrollees qualify for financial assistance to help pay their monthly premiums. Some people even qualify for free care.

What is the Affordable Care Act?
The Affordable Care Act is a comprehensive health care reform law enacted in March 2010, with a goal to make affordable health insurance able to more people,   regardless of their budget, even if they are sick or have a prior health issue. In fact, it mandates everyone must enroll in health insurance, otherwise they will be required to pay a fine.

Which plan should I choose?
On you will be able to compare different levels of healthcare plans from a variety of approved insurance providers. Each will have different amounts of coverage and different monthly premiums. Only one simple application is required. In- person assistance is available to help you to compare plans and coverage options.

When do I need to sign up?

If you’re uninsured, or if you will be re-enrolling for new insurance coverage for 2018, you can begin shopping for an insurance plan that fits your needs and budget. In fact, new plans and new pricing are available. For coverage starting in 2018, open enrollment begins November 1, 2017 and ends on December 15, 2017.

How do I enroll?
There are many ways to enroll:

Spanish speakers can find assistance at

Medicaid Renewal

If you currently receive health insurance through Medicaid or Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), you must renew your benefits this year to maintain health insurance coverage. 

How much will health insurance actually cost?
The cost of health insurance depends on your age, gender, income and tobacco use. Below is a tool to help estimate the cost of your health insurance as well as the potential benefits:

On you can estimate how much having health insurance will actually cost you on an annual basis as you select different products depending on how often you expect to see a doctor, get lab tests done, refill prescriptions, etc. Even if you only go to the doctor a few times a year, health insurance can be very economical.

What does my health insurance plan include?
All marketplace plans must cover the following list of preventive services without charging you additional fees – without a copay or coinsurance. Screenings are also available based on certain criteria and conditions, and all these services will be available through a provider in your designated health care network.

If you have a preferred provider, your choice of insurance plans will be important. Check to ensure your providers participate in your new plan.

Here are some of the services and screenings available to you:

  1. Abdominal aortic aneurysm one-time screening
  2. Alcohol misuse screening and counseling
  3. Aspirin use
  4. Blood pressure screening
  5. Cholesterol screening
  6. Depression screening
  7. Diabetes (Type 2) screening
  8. Diet counseling
  9. HIV screening
  10. Vaccines and immunizations
  11. Obesity screening and counseling
  12. Sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevention counseling
  13. Syphilis screening
  14. Tobacco use screening

  1. Anemia screening
  2. Breast cancer genetic test counseling (BRCA)
  3. Breast cancer mammography screenings
  4. Breast cancer chemoprevention counseling
  5. Breastfeeding comprehensive support and counseling
  6. Cervical cancer screening
  7. Chlamydia infection screening
  8. Contraception
  9. Domestic and interpersonal violence screening and counseling
  10. Folic acid supplements
  11. Gestational diabetes screening
  12. Gonorrhea screening
  13. Hepatitis B screening
  14. HIV screening and counseling
  15. Human papillomavirus (HPV) test
  16. Osteoporosis screening
  17. Rh incompatibility screening
  18. Sexually transmitted infection (STI) counseling
  19. Syphilis screening
  20. Tobacco use screening and interventions
  21. Urinary tract or other infection screening
  22. Well-women visits

  1. Alcohol and drug use assessments for adolescents
  2. Autism screening
  3. Behavioral assessments
  4. Blood pressure screening
  5. Cervical dysplasia screening
  6. Depression screening
  7. Developmental screening
  8. Dyslipidemia screening
  9. Fluoride chemoprevention supplements
  10. Gonorrhea-preventative medication
  11. Hearing screening
  12. Height, weight and body mass index measurements
  13. Hematocrit or hemoglobin screening
  14. Hemoglobinopathies or sickle cell screening
  15. HIV screening
  16. Hypothyroidism screening
  17. Immunization vaccines
  18. Iron supplements
  19. Lead screening
  20. Medical history
  21. Obesity screening and counseling
  22. Oral health risk assessment
  23. Phenylketonuria (PKU) screening
  24. Sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevention counseling and screening